Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Friday, February 4, 2011

patience... what's that?

i hate waiting. i am not a patient person. numerous life experiences have tried with all their might to force some type of patience upon me, however it is never a lesson that seems to stick. here we are, by all accounts at the beginning of our journey, and already i feel a sense of loss that we didn't start sooner. of course this is silly because we had to finish our last "what if" IVF transfer, and there really was no way of knowing how that would turn out, other than instinct and gut feelings that can always be wrong. balanced with this feeling is the flip side. the knowledge that we will find our child. the one we are meant to be with. the one that needs us most. the missing piece in our hearts. i do have faith that when we meet our sweet child we will know that the timing, whatever it may be, is indeed perfect.

in the mean time, i joined the holt ethiopian adoption yahoo group and i am focusing on learning as much as i can and providing positive support to others as they go through the same steps that i will one day be going through. i have some great suggestions from the group on reading and viewing, which i will be checking out very soon. here's the list if you're interested (hint hint family):

Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese is a great work of fiction based in Addis Ababa. I would recommend reading it before your first trip or really whenever. It makes you feel connected to the city somehow...
The Story Teller's Beads by Jane Kurtz is a what you might call young adult fiction but I found it fun, and educational to read.
The National Geographic 7 episode series called Africa. The one in the series titled Mountains of Faith is specifically about Ethiopia, I recommend watching the whole series though because it is AWESOME and can be viewed from Netflix:watch instantly!
Amharic for Adoptive families by Amy Kendall is fun especially if you have kids at home or are adopting a toddler or older. It comes with a CD of voices clearly stating simple commands in Amharic and english. My 5 year old daughter gets a kick out of it.

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