Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, April 21, 2011

stuff i like...

  • our social worker... she's real. and she's also had pink and blue hair before, so she gets that whole define yourself with color thing i have running through my veins.
  • the fact that my husband can look at me and know when my next brow waxing appointment is... he totally pays attention to all the little details that make up me. it's such a difference from the invisible girl i used to be, and i love him for seeing me.
  • combing through khalid's hair... feels like love. taking the time to moisturize his hair and work through it so it stays healthy and looks good is well worth the time and effort. kids really do grow up way too fast, and soon enough i'll be missing those curls.
  • my d20 earrings that are awesomesauce... i saw them spinning today in a mirror i was passing and they mesmerized me right on the spot.
  • talking to kiya about middle school woes and realizing that i haven't forgotten what it was like to be a teenager... i believe this is what enables me to have realistic expectations of teens. i hope i never forget what it was like to have all that angst, now that i can use my powers for good.
  • "M" and his sweet little face with big brown eyes... i see him whenever i'm sitting at my desk and he makes my heart smile.
  • getting a massage every other week with my husband... thank goodness for people with skills to work out my sore muscles. SRSLY. what makes a person want to learn this craft and make a living touching others (i personally shudder at the very idea) i do not know, but these people are more amazing than my homemade candy bars.
  • cayden's wild imagination that provides me with non-stop entertainment... whether we're robbing honey bear's bank, disguising ourselves to fool the entire world ('cause we are so good at it), making our own scary movie, tricking papa with mice and melty cheese bagels, or plotting to steal pillows from each other, i am never bored.
  • the fact that i am getting a sit/stand office setup to help with my back pain... this is such a sweet sweet victory for me. i purposely (after much prodding and poking and building up and a bit of shoving by the husband and co-worker) went out of my comfort zone to request this much needed accommodation from my manager. i didn't shrink back and silence myself when the answer was no, i went to my doctor, got a prescription and BAM! that sweet setup is in the works as we speak. i can't wait. honestly. i'm smiling just thinking about it.
  • my doctor... she is the absolute best. and i never thought i'd hear her say "your employer can kiss my hairy butt..." but oh yes, it was quite a delight i tell you. she rocks. hardcore.
  • in a weird way, my misaligned pelvis... because honestly, at least i know why i have constant back pain now. and i can do something about it. so yay for answers and physical therapy.
  • making new friends with people i've met on the internetz... at first glance we've simply got adoption in common, but as time goes on i find out more about these people and i'm amazed at all the things we share. it feels good to give and receive support with others on the adoption journey, because the road is long and if you haven't started down that road, you don't feel all the bumps that accompany each small step (which actually makes the tiny steps feel monumental).
  • friends that offer to watch the kiddos so the husband and i can have a date night... i love to hold his hand and look into those pretty blue eyes of his. he's got a look that's just for me, and he gives it to me often, but on date night it never leaves his face. it makes him even more attractive to me... this is how the animal kingdom works too. plus colors. and you know how i feel about colors.
  • 20% off on yarn and knitting needles... yes, this excites me. i will turn on that billy joel 4 disc boxed set and knit all night if i feel like it.
  • spending time with "A"... i want the world for her. she reminds me of me, except she might be stronger. she has a big heart, she's full of life and she deserves only good things. i love that i get to be a part of her life and family. i'm thankful for the time we spend together and i will continue to devote my time to offer her as many opportunities as i can, and show her that she is loved and valued, and i feel honored to do so.
  • my younger brother... he was my family when we lost everything and everyone else. he would do anything for me, as i would for him. he still thinks i'm cool, even when i feel like a loser. we have matching ink. 'nough said.
  • dark chocolate covered almonds... how could i get through my worst days without them? you don't even know. neither do i.

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